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Tag: onlinementalhealthcourses


Minute with Dr Linet – Differences

Differences – we are all the same person on the inside, we are just wrapped in different coloured skin. Accepting everyones differences is the key


Minute with Dr Linet – Breathe

Breathe – when you are with another person, be conscious of your breathing, their breathing and the pattern of breath. We breath up to 15


Minute with Dr Linet – Strength

Strength – personal strength, when you realise that the problems of the past are behind you and now you have the strength to deal with


Minute with Dr Linet – Serenity

Serenity – having serenity within yourself will help others. Find out what gives you peace and the absolute embodiment of harmony in your life, share


Minute with Dr Linet – Blissipline

Blissipline – striving towards your end goal using bliss rather than fear based emotions. Being and finding ‘bliss’ is supposed to motivate you in a


Minute with Dr Linet – Oneness

Oneness – being part of the wholeness. Being at one with yourself, to be comfortable means you are able to figure out who you are


Minute with Dr Linet – Bravery

Bravery – is a personal quality that you have, if you feel that you’re not brave, you actually are. When you think about it, you