My story
Dr Linet Amalie has been in the health, healing and therapy industry for over 30 years. She is a professional listener, recording artist, #1 Amazon Best Selling author, and educator offering mental health counselling & mindfulness courses, spiritual development CDs & meditation training.
She is in the unique position to offer a wealth of knowledge learned through education and rich life experiences that enable clients to help themselves.
Linet was born with severe deafness and is a 3rd generation natural Sensitive, Empath, Medical Intuitive and Psychic Medium who acknowledged her sensitivities and abilities from a young age. During her childhood, she would lie in bed and ‘watch the movies’ on the wall telling her mum what was happening. These visions were of the future and happened just as she said they would. This was encouraged by her mother who also had ‘the ability of intuition’ coming from a long European heritage, her family line is traced back to Germany, Austria/Bavaria and Prussia in the 16 & 1700’s.
Her well developed sensitivities are used as part of her ongoing work in the health industry which has led her to assist the client when they seek diagnosis enabling her to link the person into the right area for treatment.
Her PhD in Pastoral Counselling is on a background as a mental health practitioner, educator, drug & alcohol specialist, counsellor, forensic nurse & clinical hypnotherapist with the skills and knowledge learned practiced over 30 years evolving to bring her written & recorded courses available for use in everyday settings.
She uses these qualities as part of her healing through her Psychic Mediumship, Intuitive Readings, Professional Listening & Counselling sessions enabling positive changes that can happen for the person should they wish to pursue this avenue and advice.
Her lifetime ability to connect with Spirit via Mediumship and Psychic readings has left even those most sceptical to change their opinions.
Linet is a quiet achiever who delivers messages with kindness, compassion and empathy along with counselling methods learned over a lifetime of dealing with people.
Nothing in the future is set in concrete and it is up to the individual to embrace the changes that can occur and learn from these as they happen.
Interfaith Esoteric Church Arizona
Master Primary Health
Flinders University S.A
Master Mental Health Nursing
University of Southern Qld
Graduate Diploma Hypnotherapy (Clinical)
College Behavioural & Insight Qld
Graduate Diploma Management
TAFE Queensland
Graduate Certificate Nursing (Forensic)
Monash University Melbourne
Graduate Certificate (Small Business Management)
TAFE Queensland
Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment
Sandy Beach Com Centre Vic
Certified Spiritual Ordained Minister
Interfaith Esoteric Church Arizona
Registered Psychic
International Psychic Association