Minute with Dr Linet – Synchronicity
Synchronicity – simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but actually have no cause or connection with each other. This may be something that you may be thinking about in the morning and the event happens in the afternoon. To keep safe, we synchronise our movements around our daily routines, walking across the road when it’s safe, driving our car etc, in the bigger picture how can we ensure that we synchronise things so they happen as they should?
We cant do this as we are not in control. Recognising that events happen because they happen and we have picked up on the synchronisation because it is important to us and our thoughts, having a thought then seeing the event triggers you into the realisation that this ‘cements the thought that I was having’. This is part of our brain functioning.
What is synchronised for me may not be synchronised for you as it has different meaning, or, you may not recognise the importance of this event. Sometimes events are related, and sometimes they’re not, it just depends on our thought patterns and ability to see patterns relating to the event.
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