Minute with Dr Linet – Determination

Determination – of what you want to do to help people. It may take time to achieve this overcoming fear of judgment, if you are determined to make a difference to yourself and others, it will happen.

Write down your goals and how you would like to achieve these, formulate a plan and then work through the process of how this will happen. The idea then becomes concrete when on paper rather than in thought and you can review this and improve on it as you go along. Ask for help, linking in with others who are on the same journey to make a bigger impact in your goals will also help with your determination. Demonstrating this determination to others means that you are leading by example (and by default in raising awareness for humanity) which will encourage and motivate others to help you on your journey.

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Pick up a copy of my book practitioners guide to identifying trauma and mental health issues – https://drlinet.com/product/the-pract…
Pick up a set of my positive affirmation cards. Words for Humanity – https://drlinet.com/product/words-for…
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