Minute with Dr Linet – Blossom
Blossom – this is the emergence of you as a person and the good qualities that you have to start sharing these with others. A lot of people hide their ‘light’ because they are worried about being noticed by others.
Bring forth your wonderful qualities that you have so you can blossom into the person that you’re supposed to be. Write down at least 5 positive qualities that you have, If you can’t think of any, ask your friends or family what these are. Then use sticky notes to place in a prominent position (mirror, fridge) so you can reinforce in your mind each time you see them, this will help you blossom into the person that other people see but you may not see for yourself.
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Pick up a copy of my book practitioners guide to identifying trauma and mental health issues – https://drlinet.com/product/the-pract…
Pick up a set of my positive affirmation cards. Words for Humanity – https://drlinet.com/product/words-for…
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