Minute with Dr Linet – Balance
Balance – your thoughts. Triggers can lead to negative thoughts, become aware of your thinking, stay on track and be aware of situations that may lead your thought patterns to go ‘off the rails’ and into a dark place. Try to keep your thoughts in balance, healthy and ‘healthful’, this is often hard to do because of the busy lives we lead. We all have stress in our lives, if the bad stress overcomes the good stress or if you have a pre-disposition of not being able to deal with stress, you could end up down that ‘rabbit hole’.
Have strategies in place to help with balancing your thought patterns, this could be visualising the end result and working back from there, realistically work out what will tip you over the edge. Reflect to work out your triggers, seek help by talking through issues with friends, family or a professional counsellor. Remember, you are not alone.
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