Certificate of Intuitive Counselling – Module 11

Solution focused therapies are founded on the rationale that there are exceptions to every problem and through examining these exceptions and having a clear vision of a preferred future, client and counsellor, together, can generate ides for solutions


Solution focused therapists are competency and future focused. They highlight and utilise client strengths to enable a more effective future.

These 2 sections should provide you with sufficient introduction to the techniques of Solution-Focused therapy for you to apply some of basic techniques in counselling practice.
In this unit you will learn the following key solution focused techniques:
The Miracle Question 
Exception Questions 
Scaling Questions 
End of session feedback

Part 2 – Transactional Analysis 
Transactional analysis (TA) is a form of psychotherapy, counselling and education, based on cognitive and personal values. Its aim is to lead clients through pre-determined steps to achieve personal growth and change.
TA also offers a theory of child development using life scripts to explain how adult life patterns have originated in early childhood. 
The philosophy of TA is that people are OK and everyone has the capacity to think and make choices. TA is a contractual psychotherapeutic approach where both the client and the therapist take joint responsibility for achieving positive outcomes. TA keeps open communication between a client and a therapist by both being fully informed about what is going on in their work together.
On completion of this introduction to Solution Focussed Therapy and TA unit, the participant should feel confident to assist the client with planning of goals and future outcomes.
Student contact requirements 1-1.5 hours self paced learning package.